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Introducing Casual Wednesdays
Episode 197

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Casual Wednesdays bring a fresh approach to the financial independence conversation, highlighting adaptability during uncertain times. Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett share personal experiences with grocery shopping amidst lockdowns, focusing on delivery services like Instacart and Walmart pickup. They emphasize avoiding impulse buys and sticking to budgets while gaining clarity on spending habits. As routines evolve, the discussion shifts toward the long-term implications of newfound flexibility in work arrangements, urging listeners to advocate for remote work where possible. The episode wraps up with practical tips on reclaiming unclaimed property, suggesting a quick online search could yield unexpected funds. The importance of intentional living, both financially and personally, is emphasized throughout, showcasing how drastic changes can lead to positive transformations.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Show Notes

Episode Summary

This episode discusses adapting to a new normal influenced by recent global events, focusing on financial independence, life optimization, and resilience. It covers changes in grocery shopping, particularly the rise of online services like Instacart and Walmart pickup, the impact of impulse purchasing, ways to find enjoyment at home, and the suggestion to explore unclaimed property for potential financial recovery.

Key Topics and Takeaways

Casual Wednesday Introduction

  • The hosts reflect on the new normal and adapting to life without in-store shopping.

Adapting to Online Grocery Shopping

  • Discussion on the shift to grocery delivery services.
  • Key Insight: "Why spend time in stores when delivery services can save you hours?"

Impulse Buying and Grocery Delivery

  • Insight into impulse purchases and how they can be mitigated by using grocery delivery services.
  • Key Insight: "Cutting impulse buys can overshadow slight increases in grocery costs."
  • Personal experiences shared about the effectiveness of using delivery services to control spending.

Creative Ways to Stay Engaged at Home

  • The hosts discuss the importance of creativity during isolation.
  • Key Insight: "Use this crisis as an opportunity to prioritize health improvement."
  • Reflections on healthier lifestyle changes post-crisis.

Unclaimed Property Discussion

  • Hosts share information about unclaimed property as a potential source of money.
  • Key Insight: "Claim your unclaimed property in just three minutes online!"
  • Listeners are encouraged to explore their states' unclaimed property databases.

Wrap Up

  • The hosts conclude with thoughts on continuing to adapt and thrive in the new normal.

Actionable Takeaways

  • Grocery Shopping: Consider switching to grocery delivery services to save time and reduce impulse purchases.
  • Unclaimed Property: Explore unclaimed property in your state, which may contain money owed to you.
  • Remote Work: Reflect on how working from home has changed your daily routine and consider negotiating for flexibility post-crisis.

Chapter Markers

  • Casual Wednesday Introduction
  • Adapting to Online Grocery Shopping
  • Impulse Buying and Grocery Delivery
  • Creative Ways to Stay Engaged at Home
  • Unclaimed Property Discussion
  • Wrap Up

Discussion Questions

  • How have your grocery shopping habits changed during these times?
  • What creative activities have you developed while staying at home?
  • Have you looked into unclaimed property for potential money owed to you?
  • What changes would you like to see in your work-from-home arrangement?
  • How can meal planning affect your financial health?

Email Campaign Snippets

  • "Discover how grocery delivery can enhance your shopping experience while saving time and money."
  • "Unclaimed property might be waiting for you! Find out how to claim it today."

Key Quotes

  • "Why waste time grocery shopping when you can have it delivered?"
  • "Let's turn this crisis into an opportunity for healthier lifestyle choices!"
  • "Work from home: the new normal we're all searching for."

Embracing the New Normal: Financial Independence and Life Optimization

The current global climate has forced many to reevaluate their lifestyles and approach to personal finance. The discussion around adapting to a new normal covers financial independence, life optimization, and the resilience necessary to navigate these changes. Here, we provide actionable insights to help you thrive in this evolving landscape.

Adapting to Grocery Shopping in a Digital World

Utilize Online Grocery Delivery Services

With many families shifting to online grocery shopping, now is the perfect time to consider alternatives to traditional in-store shopping. Delivery services like Instacart and Walmart pickup have emerged as convenient options, allowing you to save time while still accessing your essential goods.

  • Recommendation: Switch to grocery delivery services to save both time and reduce impulse purchases. The efficiency gained is invaluable, and it can lead to lower grocery bills in the long run. For instance, opting for Instacart has allowed some families to decrease their overall spending by steering clear of unnecessary items.

Combat Impulse Buys

Impulse buying can significantly inflate your grocery budget. By utilizing delivery services, you limit opportunities for these spontaneous purchases.

  • Key Strategy: Focus on logical, rational purchases by planning a detailed shopping list before placing an order. This approach minimizes the chances of adding tempting items to your cart that you may otherwise pick up while grocery shopping in person.

Embrace Healthier Lifestyle Choices

The changes brought on by recent events can also serve as a catalyst for healthier habits. As more individuals cook at home, there's a unique opportunity to rethink meal preparation and dietary choices.

Meal Planning for Financial and Physical Health

By taking control of meal planning, you not only improve your physical health, but you also enhance your financial well-being. This dual approach can lead to impressive savings and overall better health outcomes.

  • Actionable Tip: Incorporate meal planning into your routine and pair it with your online grocery delivery. Effectively managing your food budget and consciously choosing healthier recipes can transform your life. By avoiding the pitfalls of impulse buys, you can notice a significant change in both expenditures and physical health.

Reconsidering Work-from-Home Arrangements

The shift towards remote work has highlighted the need for flexibility in our professional lives. Reflecting on this change can open pathways to a more balanced lifestyle.

Advocate for Remote Work Flexibility

As many individuals have tasted the benefits of working from home, it’s crucial to consider how to maintain this newfound flexibility.

  • Pro Tip: Prepare a proposal for your employer that outlines the benefits of having a hybrid workweek. Present an actionable script that requests the opportunity to work remotely a couple of days a week, focusing on increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Discover Hidden Financial Opportunities

In times of change, it’s essential to consider unexpected sources of income. One such avenue is exploring unclaimed property.

Seize Unclaimed Property

Many people remain unaware that they might have forgotten funds owed to them. States keep track of unclaimed property, which can often be easily retrieved.

  • Quick Start Guide: Take three minutes to check for unclaimed property in your state. You might be surprised by the money you recover without any effort. Simply search for "unclaimed property" followed by your state, and follow the instructions.

Foster Creativity During Times of Change

While the pandemic has had many negative impacts, it has also sparked a wave of creativity as people seek out new ways to connect and find joy in their lives.

Engage in Creative Activities

People are rediscovering the importance of connection through innovative methods. This has led to creative alternatives for social interaction and entertainment.

  • Practical Suggestion: Engage in virtual gatherings with friends and family. Organizing game nights through platforms like Zoom can keep your spirits high while fostering relationships in impactful ways.

Conclusion: Shaping a New Path Forward

As we navigate these tumultuous times, it’s essential to remain proactive in shaping our financial and personal lives. By embracing online grocery shopping options, advocating for remote work, exploring unclaimed property, and tapping into creativity, we narrow the gap between financial independence and current reality.

  • Final Advice: Remember that change can lead to opportunity. Adapt your strategies, seek out new avenues, and don't hesitate to innovate in your daily life. By taking these steps, you position yourself for success in both your personal and financial endeavors.

Why online grocery shopping is actually saving Brad and Jonathan money, how to approach working from home with your boss after things return to normal, and how to claim any unclaimed property.

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Brad and Laura have been using online grocery delivery since the beginning of the lockdown and haven't been to a grocery store in 40 days. Before the lockdown it seemed a luxury they could avoid. Laura enjoyed going to the grocery store and felt she had the time. The extra cost of grocery delivery seemed unnecessary.

But they have been loving Instacart. Brad is surprised to hear himself say that they may not go back to doing their own shopping. They are considering sticking to Instacart even after things return to normal.

Jonathan has realized that while each item is a little more expensive when ordering online the cost is often offset by the fact that you make fewer impulse purchases. He was expecting to see a 5% increase when he started having his groceries delivered he's actually seen a 20% decrease due to fewer impulse purchases.

Related: How To Start Buying Your Groceries Online

MK likes the Walmart pick up the best. It's the perfect combo of avoiding people and still being able to get out. She also likes that they don't mark up the items so the cost is the same as shopping in store.

You order your groceries online and it will give you a time slot. It then texts  you when your order is ready and if you turn on location services for the app the store will know exactly when you arrive and they will come out and put your groceries in the car.

She does note that it's been difficult to get a time slot since COVID and last time she had to wait three days for a time slot. But typically it's the next day.

Check out Instacart here.

Being Creative During This Time

Brad loves to see how creative everyone is being during this time. Normally people have a tendency to sleepwalk through life--just doing what they've always done. But with COVID and quarantine we've been forced to shake things up.

Brad and his family are having a Zoom call with extended family to play games.

Brad had a friend turn 40 and they were unable to host the birthday party they had originally planned. So instead they did a surprise drive-by parade to celebrate.

Working From Home

Companies are finding creative ways to allow their employees to work from home. How will this affect the work environment when things return to normal? If you'd like to continue working from home here are some tips.

  • remind them that employees value flexibility
  • show that the work that was being done from home during the quarantine was of high quality
  • explain that this is a trend that companies are moving towards
  • ask if you can work from up to two days a week

Unclaimed Property

When you pay an employee or vendor and they never cash their check that money doesn't go back to the payer. It actually gets remitted to the state as unclaimed property so the payee can claim it at some point in the future.

Check out One Mile At A Time's article. It lists the unclaimed money websites for all 50 states.